
2, 147 Amery Road South, Thoona

House 2 @ $400 per week, Unit 1 @ $300 per week

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House 2 147 Amery Road South, Thoona.

House two is 2 bedrooms .  Available for short term lease 3-6 months. Reverse cycle air conditioner for climate control. These dwellings are part of a former retreat in a rural setting a short distance from Thoona, approx 25 ks from Benalla or Wangaratta. Power and water are provided and separately metered and residents reimburse the rental provider.

The particulars contained herein are supplied for information only and shall not be taken as a representation in any respect on the part of the vendor or the agent. Interested parties should contact the nominated person for full and current details.

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Available Leased
Address 2, 147 Amery Road South, Thoona
Price House 2 @ $400 per week, Unit 1 @ $300 per week
Property Type Rental
Property ID 1188
Category House


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